Saturday, 29 May 2010

Tea or Coffee??

You can have hot or cold, black or green, herbal or lemon, so what we're talking about tea. Tea is the most popular beverage worldwide. The discovery of tea was done in 2700bc by a Chinese emperor, also a scientist, Sheen Nun. In the Indian legend of tea in Japan and was discovered by a Buddhist monk Drama missionary. Sheen Nun discovered tea when some leaves from the garden fell into his pot of boiling water, resulting in a refreshing drink, while believed to Drama disappointed with himself for not being able to complete their nine years of meditation had cut lids and threw it into the ground, hence the origin of the tea plant. It was the first monkeys were trained to pick tea leaves.
Tea was first brought to Europe by the Dutch in 1600bc. 1700bc in tea is sold for the first time in a trendy coffee Thomas. John Dorian was the first to sell tea in packages weighing net. The first European to write about the tea was the father of Jasper Cross in 1560, has tried the drink of a missionary. The Duchess of Bedford origin of the custom of tea, but credit to make it a hobby should be given to Queen Victoria.
Tea slowly gaining popularity among the French and Dutch, but due to its high cost remains a drink for the wealthy. With the passage of time and the growing popularity of different process, preparing and drinking tea has been developed. Marchioness of seven was the first to have mentioned the addition of milk to drink tea provide a new dimension.
Tea was originally grown in China and exported to Europe and elsewhere.
The history of tea also enhances our general knowledge. When we move in time, we learned that the practice of turning has been developed in the tea estates of England, where a small wooden box marked boards closed (to ensure prompt service) was chosen for its customers. Customers come and go, years and centuries past, but to bring new heights of refreshing beverage called tea.
China has become the operator of tea. Due to the strong increase in demand and also to maintain control over the trade of the Europeans began looking for other places where tea could be grown. This research has led to the tea gardens of India. Later, tea was imported from Europe, followed by India, Ceylon.

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